Baptizing the Dead or Burying the Baptized: The Need to Recover the Link Between Baptism and the Funeral
by Rebecca Spellacy,B.A, M.A, ThD, ABD. Trinity College.
The Episcopal Church’s funeral liturgy wants to locate the funeral in the context of Easter, of the Paschal Mystery. While much can and has been made of that link, there is another, equally as important link that is made in the liturgy, that is the link between the baptism of a Christian and their funeral. This is based on the claim that the body of the departed has worth because of baptism. This presentation will argue that the way to address this situation is to highlight the liturgical link between baptism, the Paschal Mystery, and the funeral and to view them as a liturgical triplet.
The Liturgy Seminar hosted by the Toronto School of Theology, promotes discussion on a wide variety of topics in the study of liturgy. Liturgical studies constitutes a significant program at TST and the Liturgy Seminar is an important means of nurturing its growth. Organizers of the Seminar are Professors:
Organizer of the Seminar:
William Kervin, B.Sc. (Mt. Allison), M.Div. (A.S.T.), Th.D. (Victoria) Associate Professor of Public Worship (Emmanuel College)
David Pereyra, MArch, PhD (St. Michael’s College) Project and Outreach Coordinator (Inclusive Design Research Centre - OCAD University)
We encourage papers and presentations on liturgical theology, liturgical history (in all periods and traditions), ritual studies and pastoral-liturgical practice. Enquiries and paper proposals are welcome at
Exploring the Notion of Intercultural Worship
Rev. Teresa A. Burnett-Cole, B.A., M.Div., Th.D. cand. (Emmanuel College). Minister, Riverdale United Church, Toronto
The Dominican Rite: Liturgy Reflecting Spirituality