November 1 2017

The Eucharistic Body of Paul and the Ritualization of 2 Corinthians

by Prof. Dr. Judith H. Newman (Emmanuel College) 

This seminar presentation draws on material from Newman’s forthcoming book, Before the Bible: the Liturgical Body and the Formation of Scriptures in Early Judaism (Oxford, 2018) in which she argues that a key to understanding the formation of scriptures is the widespread practice of individual and communal prayer in early Judaism. She demonstrates that scriptures were formed because of the intertwined relationship of worship practices, learned figures who interpreted scripture, and the ongoing performance of scriptural tradition. The seminar focuses on the role of Paul as one who initiates communal liturgical practices and serves as mediating figure of the scriptural tradition.

Prof. Judith H. Newman is Associate Professor of Religion and Old Testament/Hebrew Bible at Emmanuel College, and cross-appointed to the Department and Centre for the Study of Religion and the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations at the University of Toronto.

March 8, 2017

Liturgy as Enacted Reconciliation:  The experience of All Inclusive Ministries (AIM)

by Gilles Mongeau SJ Th.D. (Regis College at the University of Toronto)

The Second Vatican Council affirms that the Eucharist "makes" the Church, that it is the source and summit of our communal life as Christ's Body. The various General Instructions of the Roman Missal have, over the years, articulated how the actions of ritual itself are an enactment of right relationship with God, with the neighbour and with creation. This presentation will share how one Eucharistic community that reaches out to LGBTQ persons lives and expresses this reality in its liturgy.

February 8, 2017

The Bahá'í Temple of South America: Hariri Pontarini Architects

by Siamak Hariri, arquitect. Hariri Pontarini Architects.Toronto.

 A temple of light expressing a faith of inclusion is poised to become an architectural landmark in Chile and world-renowned. Set within the Andean foothills, the complex curved shelter is designed by the distinguished Canadian architect Siamak Hariri as an invitation to spiritual contemplation and pilgrimage. Siamak is going to share with us his 14 year journey to create the South American Bahá’í House of Worship, the last of the eight continental temples commissioned by the Bahá’í Community.